two-hours-of-sleep-due-to-cramming-then-goes-to-school-but-there-was-no-class experience

September 11, 2010 at 9:08 pm (Uncategorized) (, , , , , , , )

My phone’s battery is dead and my charger is broken. And I’m a cheapskate. I went to school today at around 11.30am to find out that there was no class and the Batch GA was cancelled. I was online until 11am but no sign of any announcement. I have a 1-4pm class. I was too dependent on the ever reliable facebook. It never bothered me to have my phone off, so what? There’s email, facebook and yahoo messenger among others. But today, I learned my lesson. Maybe it’s a gift from above to help me make up with my backlogs because due to what happened, I thought of two blogs and this is the first one.

 What is it’s implication to OrCom practice?

EMPHASIZING the importance of NSM, KNOWING your AUDIENCE and UTILIZING it properly to REACH them and EVALUATE if the message was RECEIVED by most, if not EVERYONE.

Are the forms of social media I use enough to get the information I need at the moment? Can I rely on just the most popular and most used platform? It’s enough, isn’t it?

  • Never create assumptions on your own. You know better than anyone else.
  • Never blame others because of those assumptions; it’s your decision anyway.
  • Keep and use the important ones not the most important one. Never be too confident and too reliant on ONE platform. Remember: the channel is the message.
  • Be responsible on your own. Ask questions. Inform others.
  • Being an audience doesn’t mean waiting to be fed, you need to be proactive. Look for the food yourself. Look for what satisfies you not just what makes you full.
  • As an OrCom student, be more active than passive.
  • Be spontaneous, everything will not go as planned but you have to be flexible enough to cope with the situation.

 Who is my audience? To whom should I communicate? Where to find them? Should I use only one method? Will I reach them using one platform? Will it spread easily?

I’ll look back to the viral video we’ve been making. We know to whom we should promote the video, outlined it properly and even write down the age brackets, genders and social classes. Next is, knowing where to find them. It’s basically impossible to find them in just one place right? Talk about niche. But we know that there is one place where most of them gather but should we ignore the others since we don’t know where they usually stay? I think not, we should target the audience no matter where they are. Though sometimes, we think it’s not our responsibility. And it’ll spread. Yeah. Somehow. What if it doesn’t?

  • Really know who your audience are. Always think of who you’re dealing with. Them instead of me.
  • Feedback is crucial to guarantee if message was sent to people who should receive it.
  • Adapt a “there is more than one place where my target audience will be, I should be everywhere” thinking. But don’t overdo it. Your call.

 Let’s put it in a business setting. If a CEO were to ask for a general assembly and attendance is a must for all board members. What should be done? What should the board members possess? Think it over.


  1. Comm Detective Eric Wong said,

    I can relate to this. There’ve been so many times when I missed out on some important information just because I’m a SMART subscriber. And we all know that people only generally text group messages to GLOBE numbers. Haha.

    On our end, I think it’s important that we also make ourselves “reachable”, especially if we’re talking about information that we know is vital to us. In my example, I’ve only recently gotten a GLOBE number just so I can get group messages. With NSM, if we want to get the information that we want, AND be able to send out the messages we want to the people we want to get it, we need to have the channels in order to send and receive those messages–whether that’s through microblogging, forums, video sites, etc. 🙂

    • commania said,

      I agree with Kuya Eric when he said that we have to make ourselves reachable. I am on the other end of the line. With my org, I am the one first informed about certain happenings and I am also the one to start the spread of the news. I am their official “GM Girl.” However, difficulty comes when I have to send messages to people who are not GLOBE subscribers. What I do is to just make a special mention of a “Please pass” but I am not really sure if the people who first received my message really do the passing.

      In real organizational settings, employees should keep themselves informed. They should learn to ask for updates or current happenings in the company they are in. Though this they would be able to create an impression that they are really making themselves belong in their workplace.

      Co-workers should also be responsible to share messages. They can use the power of word of mouth or the power of the “Forward” and “Send” buttons through the different platforms that most of the people are involved. This will then show a sense of unity and accountability to the members of the organization.

      😀 😀 😀

    • commania said,

      I agree with Kuya Eric when he said that we have to make ourselves reachable. I am on the other end of the line. With my org, I am the one first informed about certain happenings and I am also the one to start the spread of the news. I am their official “GM Girl.” However, difficulty comes when I have to send messages to people who are not GLOBE subscribers. What I do is to just make a special mention of a “Please pass” but I am not really sure if the people who first received my message really do the passing.

      In real organizational settings, employees should keep themselves informed. They should learn to ask for updates or current happenings in the company they are in. Through this they would be able to create an impression that they are really making themselves belong in their workplace.

      Co-workers should also be responsible to share messages. They can use the power of word of mouth or the power of the “Forward” and “Send” buttons through the different platforms that most of the people are involved with. This will then show a sense of unity and accountability to the members of the organization.

      😀 😀 😀

  2. chocostraws said,

    haha. This proves the point that we should not go anywhere unprepared: research before acting and planning before acting. What’s the OrCom training for? 😀

  3. morethanscribbles said,

    Haha. Others may say that it’s our fault anyway. It’s a consequence of procrastinating and cramming. We get punished. HA. Because they do not really know how hard it is to juggle a lot of things, right, Yayie? :p

    But anyway, yes, we are supposed to know better and be equipped with skills on effective and efficient communication. Thus when speaking of efficiency, we should not be limited to just one channel in the same way that we should not be limited to just one source. After all, we are OrCom students. :>

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